As a Desertbreeze client, you have access to a variety of tools and information, such as account balances, payment verification and electronic payments, to streamline all aspects of association management.
If you don’t have a MyDesertbreeze account, click here to register and gain access to critical information about your community and online payment options.
Please fill in your contact info below along with a description of your service/maintenance request, then click Submit. The Customer Care Team will respond to your email and provide you with a time frame for a prompt solution.
If this is a property threatening emergency please feel free to also contact our office at 949.855.1800 (toll free: 800.232.7517), or if this is after normal business hours please contact our Emergency On-Call 24 Hour support staff at 800.232.7517.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 949.855.1800 / 800.232.7517
Customer service and billing: Option 1
Escrow: Option 2
After Hours Emergencies: 800.232.7517
Customer Service Email:
Payments are accepted by mail or in-person at our office locations. We also accept online payments if you have a MyDesertbreeze account. Click here to sign up for a new account.
The best way is to create a MyDesertbreeze account if you don’t have one already. You’ll have instant access to account balances, payment verifications, ePayments and more.
Assessments are used to pay for common area maintenance and repair and for the day-to-day operations of your association. Assessments are based on decisions made by your association and are detailed in the homeowner’s association budget which is mailed to you annually.
Yes. Click here to sign up to receive electronic statements.
Yes. Click here to access our service request form.
CAI is an international trade organization that focuses on providing education, resources, legislative monitoring, and standard protocols for CIDs all over the world. This organization works with all participants including CID volunteers, managers, and vendors, for the betterment of the CID experience for everyone.