At Seabreeze, the safety of our communities is our number one priority. In light of the threat of COVID-19 coronavirus, we want every board member and resident know that we are actively monitoring the situation with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Seabreeze has implemented plans to continue operations within your community while ensuring the safety of our team and your community.
Should the situation escalate, we are prepared to enact community response plans as well as work with local and federal authorities. Board members should work with their General Manager to create a community-specific response plan. Please note that any official government response will supersede all community disaster plans.
We are also equipping all employees with Readiness Kits to enable them to serve you remotely. Our team continues to provide services virtually or through essential community staff to give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Please know that we are taking this situation seriously and will do everything in our power to keep all essential services up and running for you and your families.
That said, we are asking for your utmost cooperation at all times. The situation is unknown and we will take all necessary steps to mitigate risk. As part of those mitigation efforts, refer to list of best practices from the CDC to prevent the spread of infectious disease.
We will continue to update this page as the situation changes. For easy reference, we have included a Resources section with links to government sites for the most current information. For the latest updates, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook.